Tuesday, March 6, 2012

day 12 of 30 green smoothie days in a row

today's smoothie was a few leaves short of a bunch of kale, 1 apple and 1 mango. trying to switch up the fruit and not rely on the frozen banana so much!

and... as to be expected, it was delicious!

within hmm, just over 12 hours (including sleep time), i have read andreas moritz's the liver and gallbladder miracle cleanse in anticipation for the cleanse i am doing on monday! eek! i have been curious about such a flush for quite some time and one of my friends already has a few done. i will most likely write about my findings as long as not too graphic ^_^ but basically i am super excited to see what happens and kinda nervous to see what kind of stuff i have been carrying around. last night when i was reading, i realized that i have been overeating again (i was so good when i first started the elimination diet in january - mostly probably because i hadn't figured out what i could eat yet!) and i worry about the stress i am putting on my digestive system! hopefully this weekend will be the start of something good for me! 

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