Monday, October 25, 2010

cascadas farallas, costa rica, day 6

um so i don't know what is taking me so long to update this blog thing. i really have to finish my food vacation photo uploading though. this is getting ridiculous.
so this is my sunday in costa rica back in august...
i had a fruit platter (or 2) for breakfast. which i most commonly did. and i've actually started really enjoying just eating fruit in the mornings now. even with more wintery weather coming. i don't feel any different or more hungry if i only eat fruit or if i do a maca cacao banana smoothie or chia cereal or whatever. and i feel best when i eat a bunch of different fruit - first thing on my way to the bus, when i get to work and when i have a break in the morning... it's just great. what would be greater though is if i was in costa, eating all the amazing fruit there every morning... sigh...

lunch was starfruit juice and a zucchini pesto! YAH!!!

dinner started with zucchini soup...

and the main dish was a durian quiche. the crust was a carrot/zucchini/flax creation. i appreciated the other flavours and textures but i find it really hard to get into the durian taste. the creaminess was AMAZING but gah, i don't like the flavour and it's so hard to hide! it's so good for you but still...

dessert was a mango strawberry torte (cheesecake). YES!

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