Sunday, January 9, 2011

heart + seoul

i only get 2 days in seoul this trip and today was one of them. eek!

day started in the school cafeteria... and i tried my room-made quinoa with chickpea miso and hemp seeds atop of the salad with *roasted* seaweed and lovely oranges on the side!
 okay and i didn't get a photo of just my roasted veggie burger at the 'honest' loving hut restaurant in itaewon. oops. well it's not raw either. but vegan amazingness!
me and darren met mipa from alien's day out at veggie holic bakery which was rad!
and then for dinner i had a veggie burrito plus avocado sans cheese and sour cream at dos tacos in hongdae. also not raw at all but mighty delicious!


  1. yo natalie! was awesome meeting you and darren. i just blogged about our meet-up. :) thanks for the lara bars!!

  2. yay!!! you're welcome!!! it's so amazing to meet someone who appreciates the same things ^_^

  3. hey natalie,did you buy the hemp seeds in Korea and if yes from what is the name of the place?thanks

  4. ack, sorry for late reply! i brought them from home (vancouver, canada). i'm sorry! (my large suitcase was all food!) i hope you find some there soon!
